2017 – 2018
- Research Team A01:A chrono-spatial framework for the emergence of modern humans and their cultures in Asia
Osamu Kondo
“Late Pleistocene human fossil remains in West Asia”
Atsushi Uemine
“Elucidation of the chronology and human behavioral pattern reflected in quartz artifacts in East Asia”
Ryosuke Kimura
“A feasibility study on genome analysis of ancient humans in the Lake Baikal area”
Sadakatsu Kunitake
- Research Team A02:Dynamism of human behavior during the dispersal of Homo sapiens into Asia
Takashi Nakazawa
“Protein archaeological study of Paleolithic animal bones”
- Research Team A03:Changing climate and resident-environment in the migrations and expansions of Homo sapiens across the continent of Asia
Nagayoshi Katsuta
“A history of environmental changes and their impacts on modern human activity in inland Asia retrieved from high-resolution analyses of lacustrine records”
- Research Team B01:Anthropological study on cultural and behavioral change through dispersal and contact of human populations
Hitoshi Yamada
“Constructing dynamic models of human group interactions based on ethnographic data”
- Research Team B02:Mathematical modelling and analysis of cultural and behavioral changes through dispersal and settlement of human populations
Hiroki Oota
“A population genetic study of subsistence and cultural/behavioral styles of Hill tribes in Thailand”